The undead – from shambling skeletons to the arch-lich Vecna himself – are one of the largest, most diverse, and terrifying categories of monsters in Dungeons & Dragons 5e. Once a wizard of a long-forgotten era and cleric of some forgotten god, Acererak devoted his existence to the secret of immortality.

189) can be destroyed merely by taking 20 radiant damage from a single source. Azalin is the son of Turalitan Zal'honan of Knurl, the younger brother of Ranald Zal'honan, and the older brother of Irik Zal'honan. In the World of Greyhawk and Ravenloft campaign settings for the Dungeons & Dragons role-playing game, Azalin Rex or "The Rex" is a wizard-king. will they prevail? Mark welcomed everyone and introduced the players. Spellcasting: The lich is an 18th-level Spellcaster. Sized at 2626 x 3376 pixels, … The best description of the process of becoming a lich is found in the official campaign book Curse of Strahd. phylactery to sustain the magic preserving its body and consciousness (something we will explore further under The Phylactery in Chapter 2: The Lich Villain ). Great wizards and sorcerers usually became liches in order to continue their pursuit of magic and power beyond death. Jeremy the Dragon has come a long way since his murder and subsequent rise to lichdom. By level 17, this shouldn’t be too hard to handle. Its heavy into playing mind games and giving the players 2 bad choices in a moral dilemma. Rising another level in the tower, the party watches as Strahd returns, admonishing the wizard for his insolence. With 27 INT and 21 WIS, Acerak is one of the smartest guy around.

Easier said than done to kill the old lich, since his phylactery is hidden somewhere in the multiverse. Vecna, also known as the Whispered One, the Undying King, and the Lord of the Rotted Tower, was a powerful, mortal-born archlich who achieved godhood. In his youth, Strahd was a prince and a conqueror.